Discussing complications can be difficult.
It’s our job as professionals to look at each experience, each birth with curiosity, regardless of outcome. To notice what went well and what could be done differently in the future. This is how we improve our quality of care.
Book a Debrief
All debriefs are confidential
What is a debrief?
Karen provides one-on-one case reviews or debrief with birth professionals, focusing on complications and resuscitation experiences. These sessions review some history, what happened, the response and actions, and the outcome.
In other professions, this process is often known as supervision or professional review, and immensely helpful in professional and personal growth.
Doing a debrief allows us to “make sense” of what happened and unpack the sequence of events leading up to the resuscitation. It can be helpful to talk to someone who knows the terrain. Karen has done 900+ hours of debriefs and is familiar with the sense of fear that often comes up after experiencing a resuscitation, even with a good outcome.
What to expect during a debrief:
45-90 minute phone call with Karen (120 minutes for group debriefs)
Find a quiet space, without other people and not while you’re driving
or multi-taskingYou tell the story of the events leading up to the resuscitation. Having the client’s chart is helpful.
Identify sequence of events, action and responses, strategies for the future
You can ask Karen questions
When to do a debrief:
After a resuscitation experience (regardless of your role at the birth)
i.e. person in charge, assistant, student, witness, parent, anyone who was present at the birth
After good or poor outcome
Why do a debrief:
To reflect, gain clarity, and make sense of what happened during the resuscitation
Improves clinical skills, confidence, recall, and action response time
Helps avoid burnout! - Talking about an experience helps you reflect and make sense of what you did well and what could be done differently. Helps you respond appropriately and removes future hesitation.
Builds understanding and evaluates professional boundaries
Helps you tune into intuitive knowing - "Intuition as Authoritative Knowledge, in Midwifery and Homebirth" - Robbie Davis-Floyd, Medical Anthropology Quarterly. As defined by Jordan (1992, 1993[1978]), "authoritative knowledge motivates decision and action."
You'll feel better! - Most people report feeling much better after doing a debrief with Karen
Similar professional reviews known as “supervision” reviews typically cost $150-$350 per session.
We offer Debriefs on a sliding scale from $100 - $250 (per person).
The recommended contribution is per person ($200 for 2-person team, etc). We will not turn anyone away due to lack of funds: payment may be made in installments. $50 Deposit required to book your session.
After your case debrief session, please take a moment to fill out the feedback form.