live, skill-testing Info
Integrative Resuscitation of the Newborn - IRN
Karen's Integrative Resuscitation of the Newborn (IRN) is the only Neonatal Resuscitation course written for the out-of-hospital setting. It covers the traditional AAP/NRP course of completion material while incorporating published research regarding neonatal resuscitation.
She articulates a broader understanding of how to think about resuscitating a newborn, explaining the resuscitation process with clarity and thoroughness. Karen illustrates how babies clear the fluid from their lungs in the birth process and what to do when there is a problem.
To get the AAP/NRP Card, you must complete Karen’s course, and also take the NRP exam, eSim, and attend a LIVE, Instructor-Led Event. Find out if Karen is coming to a city near you. To learn more about the NRP card, visit AAP/NRP Booking & Testing Information.
This course takes you beyond the basic AAP/NRP training and teaches you: When, Why, and How to Breathe for a Baby at Birth.
The transition babies experience as they emerge from the womb and become air breathers is often not well understood by many birth professionals. This course creates a clear visual image and understanding of what is happening for the baby, as she takes her first breaths and shifts from oxygenating through the placenta/cord and beginning to use her lungs to breathing air. The successful adaptation to extrauterine life is the necessity of clearing fetal lung fluid. All babies must experience this transition at birth, regardless of cord status.
Participants learn when, why, and how they need to assist a newborn in respiratory distress or in need of neonatal resuscitation. They learn all the steps necessary when presented with a newborn in respiratory distress, or not breathing, with or without an adequate heartbeat. All taught in the least traumatic way.
Information is presented from the perspective that you may be the only knowledgeable and skilled professional* (doctor, nurse, midwife, etc.) in attendance. These skills are relevant in all birth settings: home, clinic, hospital, birth centers, city, rural or resource-poor parts of the world.
Due to COVID-19, the workshop format has changed to accommodate safe standards and practices regarding COVID-19, therefore the lecture will now be online and must be completed before attending the Live, Skill-Testing session.
The online lecture is on Teachable and has all the components of the past live lectures but in an easier more digestible format. Take a preview here.
Neonatal transitional physiology (the science behind optimal cord clamping)
Use of 100% O2 and pulse oximetry in relation to neonatal resuscitation
Meconium/suctioning (new evidence-based studies)
Critical ability to secure an open airway
Steps necessary to create an adequate seal
Different methods of clearing an airway (eg. bulb/delee)
Bag-mask vs. mouth-to-mouth demo, discussion (benefits, uses, and purposes)
Laryngeal Mask Airway, LMA
Thermal management of the compromised newborn
Preventing ventilatory-induced lung injury
Stimulation: how much is necessary
When/how to do chest compressions
Understanding the nervous system and its impact on emergency skills
MEAC CEU’s are unavailable at this time.